Published online on May 2015.
R. Cairo, G. Dente
Abstract: Site conditions and soil flexibility play an important role in determining the seismic response of bridges. In particular, the motion imposed at the foundation can differ from that in the free-field and relevant rocking component may be induced. Using simple analytical methods, the dynamic response of a bridge-soil system excited by harmonic S-waves is investigated.
International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015: pp. 1-9
I. G. Raftoyiannis, G. T. Michaltsos
Abstract: Cables are efficient structural elements that are used in cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges and other cable structures. These cables are subjected to environmental excitations such as rain - wind induced vibrations. Rain-wind induced vibrations of stay-cables may occur at different cable eigenfrequencies. Therefore, external transverse dampers have to be designed for several target cable modes in order to drastically decrease the oscillations amplitude. For the analytical study of such problems are, usually, used finite series or sinus forms. In this paper the real eigenfrequencies and shape functions are determined and used. This paper aims to study the optimum position and characteristics of such a damper, and its influence on the cable’s vibrations, using the real cable modes and taking into account the cable’s flexural rigidity.
International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015: pp. 11-32
D. Bruno, F. Greco and P. Lonetti
Abstract: A parametric analysis of the nonlinear static behaviour of self-anchored long-span bridges is here carried out by using a 3D nonlinear finite element model of the bridge. Both cable-stayed bridges with a fan-shaped arrangement of stays and combined cable-stayed-suspension bridges are considered in the numerical investigations. The importance of an accurate description of geometrically nonlinear effects, arising from the cables nonlinear behavior in coupling with the instability effect of axial compression in girder and pylons, is pointed out by means of comparisons with results obtained by using different cable models. Numerical simulations are devoted to analyze the influence of the main physical characteristics of the bridge, on the maximum load-carrying capacity and related collapse mechanisms. A nonlinear procedure for finding the initial geometry of the bridge and prestress distribution under dead load is incorporated in the model. The strong role of nonlinear cables response, in coupling with the notable influence of the relative girder stiffness on the stability bridge behavior is analyzed. For the self-anchored combined cable-stayed-suspension bridges the influence of the dead load distribution factor on the limit load evaluation is also accounted.
International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015: pp. 33-48
A. Agalianos, L. Sakellariadis, I. Anastasopoulos and G. Gazetas
Abstract: The paper develops a simplified method to analyze the seismic performance of motorway bridges. An actual bridge is used as an illustrative example. Detailed 3D model of a typical overpass bridge is developed and used to assess the effectiveness of the simplified method. Both longitudinal and transverse shaking is considered. The contribution of key structural components and the effect of soil structure interaction (SSI) are properly taken into account. The simplified models compare well with the full 3D model of the bridge–abutment–foundation–soil system, and are therefore proposed as a reasonable approximation.
International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015: pp. 49-54
L.T. Stavridis, K.V. Spiliopoulos, A.V. Afantenou, I.A. Kapogiannis
Abstract: This paper has two goals. Firstly to present a simplified method of evaluation of the additional longitudinal stresses that develop under the torsional response both for rectilinear and curved bridges and secondly to perform a comparison with the results deduced from a finite element simulating the real three dimensional structure. It is proved that the simplified method provides a safe estimation of the response and may be used for preliminary design purposes.
International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015: pp. 55-64
B. Stipanic and N. Hajdin
Abstract: The paper deals with the realization of Sava River Crossing with its approach bridges as first section of Belgrade Inner City Semi-Ring Road (ICSRR). The Sava River Crossing, as the first section of the ICSSR Project (with overall length of 17,5 km), consists of the main bridge across Sava River and so-called South Approach Roads (SAR) and North Approach Roads (NAR). The Ada Bridge carries 6 lanes of vehicular traffic, 2 rail tracks for LRT (future Belgrade metro BGM) and 2 lanes of pedestrian/cycle-way. The bridge has total length of 967 m and 43500 m² bridge deck area. SAR contains altogether 22 bridges (viaducts and ramps) with overall length of 3350 m and 36700 m² bridge deck area. NAR contains altogether 19 bridges (viaducts and ramps) with overall length of 2830 m and 36300 m² bridge deck area. The new Sava River Crossing with its approach bridges is a major infrastructure project realized in Belgrade last years that significantly effects to the reduction of traffic jams of vehicular traffic in the city. Sava River crossing with its approach bridges was completed for roadway traffic by start 2014.
International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015: pp. 65-74